Collection: Easy Starter Pack 2 (ES2)

ES2: Easy Starter Pack 2 (to move on):

This pack provides the resources you need to move on with phonics.  Covering the advanced alphabetic code, it builds on the resources and teaching covered in Easy Starter Pack 1 (ES1).  It includes: CSL3A, CSLR3A, CSL3B, CSLR3B, BSL3A, BSLR3A, BSL3B, BSLR3B, PSS1, PSS2, PSS3, PMB2, PMB3, DHS5. This resource is a money-saving pack.


The pack covers reading, spelling, writing, high frequency words, handwriting, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension at advanced code level.

The pack provides a selection of core teaching materials to teach the advanced code at Step 3 and additional teaching materials to help your students apply the advanced code to wider literacy.

The pack is suitable for first-time teaching, for catch-up/intervention lessons and for top-up lessons at any age whenever the advanced alphabetic code needs to be taught, reinforced or revised. The process of learning and being confident with the advanced code particularly for spelling is likely to continue throughout schooling and into adulthood.

The materials can be used to teach any group size from whole class to small group and for individual tuition.

Two sets of fully prepared Classic Snappy Lesson� Plans (CSL3A and CSL3B) and their two sets of accompanying Resource Materials (CSLR3A and CSLR3B) will enable busy practitioners to teach all the alternative spelling patterns of the advanced code sequentially, one-at-a-time for both vowels and consonants.

Two further sets of fully prepared Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans� (BSL3A and BSL3B) which follow a column-sort teaching structure and two sets of accompanying Resource Materials (BSLR3A and BSLR3B) will help students to make the right spelling choices within the advanced code at Step 3 and will provide reinforcement of prior learning of the advanced code previously taught within classic lessons.

The Phoneme Spotter Stories (PSS1, PSS2, PSS3) are decodable texts, carefully written to enable students to apply the advanced code at Step 3. The stories contain elements to help students make the right spelling choices, to develop comprehension and to reinforce correct spelling of high frequency words.

The two Precision Monitoring and Speed Reads books (PMB2, PMB3) are designed to develop the speed, accuracy and comprehension of reading at sound, word and texts levels, at Step 3. This will provide students with valuable reinforcement of the advanced code which can be challenging for some students.

The fifth Developmental Handwriting Series book (DHS5) provides a set of handwriting sheets to extend good joined handwriting.
